The Sundered Oath

In the Company of the Dead

In the Company of the Dead

$18.79eBook: $4.35
Series: The Sundered Oath, Book 1
Genres: Dark fantasy, Epic fantasy

"Some of the most notable fantasy authors create powerful reads with slower beginnings that lead up to a crescendo of gripping action - such as this story." D. Donovan, Senior Reviewer, Midwest Book Review

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On the Edge of Death

On the Edge of Death

$17.46eBook: $5.31
Series: The Sundered Oath, Book 2
Genres: Dark fantasy, Epic fantasy

"Ballintyne goes deep into the [created] world... to paint a vivid, if sometimes frightening, image of what these two must endure to do the right thing." ~ Readers' Favorite

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To Make the Dead Weep